The People’s Pavilion 2023
Following the success of the first People’s Pavilion project back in 2021, Beyond the Box are bringing back their innovative youth-focused co-design competition for 2023!
Way back in 2020, Re-Fabricate worked with Beyond the Box for the first pavilion competition, running circular economy workshops for the young participants and collaborating with Scale Rule and Beyond the Box to develop the technical design and material specification for the pavilion.
Re-Fabricate have been delighted to be selected again to collaborate on the 2023 edition of the Pavilion. Once again the programme was based in East London with our young teams designing a pavilion for Lea Bridge Library in Waltham Forest to host a cultural festival during the summer. As well as running circular economy workshops for participants, Re-Fabricate has supported the project with introducing principles and methods for sustainable and circular design through workshops for all participants. Re-Fabricate has also supported the winning team to translate their proposal to real life, incorporating the principles in every step of the way.
As mentioned on Beyond the Box’s website:
The People’s Pavilion was born from an act of protest as to who has the power to design and curate cultural civic space in our city. Beyond the Box set out to create a test ground for collaborative design and production methodologies that sought to explore equity-centred community design. Located in Lea Bridge Library's garden in Waltham Forest, the pavilion was designed by 18-year-olds Bruno De Marco, Tomi Balogun, and Zhané Philips. The trio’s winning proposal was chosen over six other designs after receiving more than 2,500 public votes. Named ‘Roots of Heritage’ the scheme uses locally sourced timber to create an open space for reflection.
The design competition invited young people 14-18 years of age from across East London, to work collaboratively as part of a small team, and in partnership with professionals from the architectural, construction, and creative arts industries, to design their own temporary pavilion. After initial outreach workshops across all seven boroughs of East London, we shortlisted a team to represent each borough to go forward and take part in a week-long design development week in February half term, we the aspiring designers working in collaboration with a variety of industry professionals. The trio’s winning proposal was chosen over six other designs after receiving more than 2,500 public votes. Named ‘Roots of Heritage’ the scheme uses locally sourced timber to create an open space for reflection. The three students from the borough of Tower Hamlets also won an all-expenses trip to the Venice Biennale 2023, where they received a special tour of the British Pavilion.
Young people not only design and build the pavilion but also curate what happens inside of it. As part of the programme, Beyond The Box employed a team of young people to produce a free summer festival at the temporary building.
As mentioned on Beyond the Box’s website:
Roots of Heritage, designed by team Cultural Maze won over the public with their pavilion concept design. The three young aspiring architects and designers from the East London Borough of Tower Hamlets designed their pavilion to be made of renewable and recycled materials, (as was their exhibition model which the public voted on). One of the main features of the pavilion design was to allow for anonymous messages to activate the pavilion, with visitors invited to write things down that they wished to share but may have never said aloud. The idea of their sheltering tree design stems from the fact that Tower Hamlets is one of the largest London boroughs with the most integrated cultures, where diversity and community are a strong focus. The tree represents the growth as a borough and the branches that connect their community.
Video by Beyond the Box.
Project Name: People’s Pavilion 2023
Collaborators: Beyond the Box Consultants, Saqqra, Scale Rule and Cultural Maze team.
Date: September 2022 to August 2023
Audience: young East Londons (16-18)